Just like a lot of real residences, this site will probably always be under construction .......... but that just means it's always benefiting from Home Improvements, yeah!

Hey anyway, I still get plenty of people calling .......   so far, in fact!

Hi, I'm John Clark. Welcome to my Virtual Home.

If you're not too busy just now, why not stay round a while and I'll be able to show you something about myself.

Wow, hold on there! You're not leaving just yet are you? ........... maybe I should tell you that my main aim here is not to be boring (it's kind of a code of life for me!) and, as the things people put in their homes reflect their personality, I've tried to avoid any dull stuff in my Web Home. For me, this means having as much multi-media as server space will allow (yeah, that's images, sounds and even movies!) and it also means covering good, sound blokes' topics, like cars, football, comedy, music etc. (maybe I should start own men's magazine: JQ - John's Quarterly

........ nah, I'm too busy with ComedyNet, Formula1Net and ChelseaNet).

Hey, I'm also a caring sort of a guy, so expect to see sections about the things that matter the most to me ....... people!. Don't worry though, I'm not going to bore you to death with the whole photo album - that's what everyone does when they have visitors round ........... right!

OK, sit down (Oh ,yeah ....... you already are!) and have a look at this: 

Everyone needs loved ones and I'm certainly no exception. It's no coincidence that this section is right at the top, the people who matter to me are always at the top of my priorities. ........ so meet The Boys

I've been a completely dedicated CFC fan since the days of the first FA Cup winning side  (So, obviously I'm no stranger to deep disappointment and despair!). Things are just so different now though, Chelsea are once again viewed as one of the top football clubs in England, if not Europe and the world  ........ it's been a long time waiting but just see my team, Chelsea F.C. now

Science huh? OK, so I said that I wouldn't go on about anything boring ........ but look, science is really pretty cool: it's what gives us the ability to do esential stuff like play music CDs, call friends on mobile phones, microwave our dinners  and, yeah, surf the Internet!........ so if you want to know about "Schrodinger's Cat", "The Twins Paradox", or just simple stuff like "life, the universe and everything", straight to my science page

As you've probably guessed from the icon, I am a Lotus devotee. The company is really regaining it's heritage with new models like the Elise and once again the name "Lotus" is synonomous with unrivalled handling. I'm a purist though and a proud member of the Lotus Owners club ......... if you'd like to know more about my dream car, take a look at this description of my classic Guigario Turbo Espirt

Smile and the whole world smiles with you, they say. Well, I'm not gonna argue with that ....... to me, having a good laugh is just about the best way to remove the stresses of life. Apparantly, it also requires a whole lot more facial muscles to frown, than it does to smile, which must mean that it's very energy-efficient to spend your whole time larking about ........ time for my comedy page

There's just nothing more rewarding to me than motorsport, both in terms of spectating and taking part. My ventures to the more interesting side of the Armco barriers have only been in the Brands Hatch Racing School to date - but hey, we all need ambitions and mine is to race in anger. For now though, the spectacle of a Grand Prix every fortnight(ish) during the season is a good enough fix! Until I realise my dream then .......... it's got to be my motor racing page

If music be the food of love, The Spice Girls must be about as romantic as school like dinners ! So, I'm not a fan of the "feisty five" but I coudn't finish this section without covering my favourite bands and while I'm about it, I thought I'd also let you know about my all time top 10 films ........ so role up, role up, role up and see my music&films page

OK, I think it's true to say that I'm known for being non-conventional in many respects ............ maybe even bordering on alien at times! I don't suffer from some sort of cold, extra-terrestrial type personality though. In fact, speaking as an outsider, I'm a great admirer of the human race! So, I'd like to tell you about some of the individuals that have made great impressions on me

The guys that I admire, really fall into two main categories: Great Thinkers and Great Achievers.

Click the faces below to find out more:

The only sad thing here, is that all six of these great men are dead ......... so maybe the black & white images are appropriate. Rest in Peace you guys, you may no longer be with us but your legacies live on and you're very much here in the hearts of your admirers

If you're looking for photos I've recently taken, or anything I've promised to post here,
just click this link for my latest stuff

So, look ............ Thanks for dropping by and everything - it's been great having you round. I must come over to yours soon etc. etc. (you've heard all this before, right). Anyway, we must keep in touch (so, what we mean is, we can forget to email in the virtual world, just as well as we can forget to phone or visit in the real world!). 

If you do want to send electronic mail though, just address it to john.clark@anixter.com and the electronic postman will deliver it to the electronic mailbox in my virtual home (God, I need help!!!)

Ooops .......... sorry, I nearly forgot the ordinary stuff, but there's still time before you have to leave. Go ahead and click if you're interested in my up-close and personal stuff!

OK, you can go now! ........... Missing you already
