Science ................. am I the only one who wonders about who we are,
were we are and how we got here?
It used
to be boring and etc ........ like this (Rutherford . one oy my favourite
"old science pictures ... click for an enlargement to read the sign above
his head)
....... not boring ......... big machines:
In HUGE underground facilities (007 stlyie!!) ----- like CERN ----- they invented "THE INTERNET"!!!:
science subjects ...... PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY
Now, Chemistry is pretty much a "done-deal" (apart from man-made organic stuff and biochemistry) which means we can concentrate on the other two ....... shame they didn't tell you that at school !!!
nice piccy of
OK, so we're going to take a look at all the wonderful subjects below ....... but first we need to get our heads around some very, very wacky theories - namely Relativity and Quantum Physics
Structure of the atom
Origins of the universe
Origins of the Earth and Solar System
futures ..... M theory ....... tao etc. etc.
nice piccy of something living from my Bilology book
Now, here we're going to take a look at more amazing subjects below ....... but (you knew it) we'll need to some basic tsuff first: cell structures and biochemistry
Origins of life
Structure & function of the brain,
SLAC, Burton Richter is leading a challenge to LEP by building a new kind of colliding- beam machine. The plan is to use the existing 3 km long linear accelerator to feed electrons and positrons in opposite directions around two intersecting arcs. The bunches of particles will collide only once, unlike in a conventional collider. But by upgrading the linear accelerator so that its maximum energy rises from 30 to 50 GeV, Richter's 'linear collider' scheme will reach the same energy as LEP, but maybe a year sooner.
Many other Americans are working on a plan to build a Superconducting Super Collider, or SSC, which will accelerate protons and antiprotons to 20 TeV-20 000 GeV-per beam. The SSC would use the technology of superconducting magnets, which has already worked successfully in Fermilab's Tevatron. But even with the higher fields produced by superconducting magnets, the SSC will need to be about 100 km in circumference to reach energies of 20 TeV. As of Summer 1986, this project has still to be approved.
The late 1980s and early 1990s should be an exciting time of exploration at new energies. CERN's proton-antiproton collider has already provided intriguing glimpses of what may lie in store. However, higher energies alone will not provide all the answers to the questions particle physicists still ask. Why, for example, does the electric charge of the electron so precisely balance the proton's charge, when the simple electron and the complex proton seem to be such utterly different forms of matter P Why do we live in a Universe of four dimensions. three of space and one of time P Why is the Universe apparently made of matter to the exclusion of antimatter P The answers to these questions, and others, may well come from experiments quite different from those at particle accelerators. as Chapter 10 describes.